Monday, November 2, 2009

Ex-child soldier shares his story of courage

A young man of 26 shared his story of his journey from subject in the jungle during the civil war of Sierra Leone… to citizen now as a teacher in YMCA vocational training and mentor to young boys in his community.

Participants were struck by his honesty and bravery in reliving his story to show the transformation of his life – which many other young ex-combatants have also been able to do.

Captured at the age of 9, he spent 7 years in the jungle and today bears the physical scars of a young boy not big enough to even carry the gun that became his most consistent companion. The emotional scars are still there and the process of recovery is long – he took part in disarmament in 2000. While he was reunited with his father soon after disarmament, he has never again seen his mother since that day when his childhood and everything that felt secure, was ripped apart.

He struggled at the beginning, but through his father’s guidance and that of his pastor, he has been able to work through most of the emotional impact.

He enrolled at the YMCA vocational training centre and is now skilled in tailoring and is a trainer for this course. He also enrolled in schooling through the YMCA and has basic education now. He spends much time with youth in his area, encouraging them to fulfill their potential and have a positive influence on their peers too.

He expressed desire to continue with his schooling. So moved by his journey and determination, one participant stood up and offered a donation towards this.

Participant comments:

When I listened to his story I felt sad. He was taken by force – he did not choose what happened to him. So the consequence I think when that kind of thing happens, is that healing takes so much longer.
- Wangeci

Young people need the kind of courage he has. It was good for us to realise that no matter how bad things are and even if we feel we have past the point of no return, there is purpose for our lives. So we need to all look for this purpose – and we should look for this by helping others and saving others.
- David

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